
Verbena is a K-12 school based in rural Alabama with approximately 560 students. Grades K-3 are housed in an annex campus located on U.S. Highway 31 approximately two miles from the main campus. The student population consists of approximately 80% Caucasian, 10% African American, and 10% Hispanic. There are some odd 40 faculty and staff members. The historical community and school was founded in the 1920's when the school was constructed from rocks that were carried to the present location from a nearby creek named Chestnut Creek. The main building remains in place with additional wings having been added as funds and/or the need became available.


Mission Statement
It is the mission of Verbena High School to provide a supportive, caring, safe, and productive environment that is conducive to the education of all our students. Our mission is to provide every opportunity for maximum student achievement and to recognize and stimulate special talents in all students. In doing so, we will prepare our students to perform comparably to students in other areas of our state and nation. Our mission is to provide the kind of curricula that will educate and train each student to utilize the most innovative and effective techniques and resources available to them so that they may become constructive, self-supporting, contributing citizens of our society.

Mrs. Tammy Hand, Principal

Mrs. Tammy Hand, Principal